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HJAC carnival! What an amazing end to the year!


We are so proud to announce that HJAC has passed and received our Eco-schools Green Flag award!


We are so proud of our children today attending Sutton district sports event. Well done to the whole team!


Year 3 enjoyed a fun-packed visit to the seaside at Littlehampton yesterday. The children explored the beach, paddled in the water, and created sand art. There was plenty of time to enjoy an ice-cream, make sandcastle's and reflect on what has been a joyful year for the children.


Our Year 5 children ready for their adventure at Kingswood!


Thank you to all who came to celebrate the children’s hard work this morning! The hall was filled with some truly wonderful projects!


Year 3 have enjoyed a fun & interactive workshop today exploring the fascinating world of ancient Egypt.Our pharaohs & queens looked amazing!


To all of our wonderful Year 6 Students & Families,We would like to start off by saying a massive congratulations on completing your KS2 SATs; you have all been absolutely amazing and we could not be prouder as your teachers.


Please take a minute to read the information attached regarding keeping children safe when using group chats and don't forget the age limit for apps such as Whatsapp is 13+


Year 5 had the most wonderful school trip to The Globe theatre today!


Well done to our year 4 & 5 football team who played amazingly well at yesterdays game againstHarris Primary Academy Haling ParkWe are very proud of them !


Thank you to all who came to celebrate the children’s hard work this morning! The hall was filled with some truly wonderful projects!


Today our year 5's took a journey back in time to Anglo Saxon England to become Vikings. The children had a jam-packed day of fun and learning and even raided our year 6 classrooms!


To kick start science week here on Monday we hosted an amazing hands-on & energetic science workshop which the children really enjoyed.


What an amazing day at HJAC celebrating world book day 2024. The air was filled with excitement and the children thoroughly enjoyed meeting with author & illustrator Paul Geraghty.


Year 3 had a wonderful trip yesterday in London at The National Gallery!


Our Year 4 children had a great trip today visiting a local Mosque in Morden. This linked perfectly with their RE learning.


Thank you to for a wonderful assembly today. The whole HJAC community were engaged in the assembly.


The children have enjoyed a wonderful pantomime this morning courtesy of our wonderful PTA!


We are delighted to have been able to donate lots of brand new toys to the children at Queen Mary’s Hospital at St Helier’s hospital. Thank you to all of our families who donated.

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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Attendance 1 

All children have the right to an education based on equality of opportunity, and Harris Junior Carshalton, in partnership with parents, carers and other parties, must take measures to encourage regular school attendance and reduce rates of absenteeism. We know that there is a direct link between a child's attainment, progress, social skills and attendance. A child’s success at school is likely to be affected negatively if their attendance is poor. Those who do not attend regularly may fall behind in their learning, leading to underachievement, both academically and socially.

HJAC recognises the crucial role that parents and carers play in promoting good school attendance. We therefore seek to provide professional, quality information and advice, communicated frequently by telephone, email, texts, leaflets, parents’ evenings, school reports and via the school office.

 Harris Junior Academy Carshalton aims to :

  • Give attendance and punctuality a high priority;
  • Provide support, advice and guidance to families;
  • Use attendance data systematically to evaluate success and to prioritise appropriate follow-up procedures
  • Use sanctions sensitively and only when necessary; and
  • Support pupils returning to school after significant periods of absence.

Our overall attendance for last year (22-23) was 94.07% which is above the national average. This is encouraging however we are striving to improve and so this year attendance has been made one of our key focuses for the accademic year 23-24.

Children who arrive after the register closes are marked late (morning session starts at 8.40am – afternoon session starts at 1.15pm).  If children are absent we ask to be informed on the first morning of absence either by email (to the office), telephone or by the form below. If we are not informed then the school has a legal obligation to contact parents/carers via phone/email to find out why pupils are not in school.  Non-Attendance not supported by an adequate reason is counted as an unauthorised absence and is marked accordingly in the register. If there are concerns over a pupils attendance then the school does not have to authorise absence.  Holidays will not be authorised during term time.  

Legal Responsibility: parents and carers have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly. If a child is not attending school regularly the school will work with the family to support them in fulfilling their legal obligation.  If families do not engage with the school and attendance does not improve then a referral will be made to the local authority.  In extreme cases this can lead to court proceedings.

Hospital, Doctors, Dentist Appointments: we require evidence if a child is to be taken out of school for hospital/clinic appointments to authorise it as a medical appointment. Unless it is an emergency, visits to the dentist, doctor etc, should be made outside of school hours. In the interest of safety we do not allow children unattended out of the school ground during school hours.

Sickness: should your child need to be collected from school due to sickness or appointments after morning or afternoon registration, it is very important that you sign your child out on the entry system and inform the office before you leave.  

Severe Weather Conditions: in the event of very severe weather, the school will contact parents and carers if children are allowed to go home early.  Children are never released early without the consent of their parents/carers.

Holiday In Term Time: as part of the on-going drive to improve the attendance levels in all schools, the Local Authority has directed that schools no longer authorise holidays during term time.    

Government Legislation:
*Holidays in term time are not a right and will not be authorised.  If holidays are taken during term time then this information will be passed to the local authority and parents could be subjected to a £60 fine per child, per parent.
*Leave of absence will only be granted where proper procedures have been followed.
*It remains a discretionary power of the Head Teacher and Governing Body to authorise leave of absence.
*Where the school and the parents fail to reach an agreement and the child is then absent from school the absence will be marked as unauthorised and parents could be subjected to a fine by the local authority.

For further support & advice on attendance in the borough of Sutton please see the links below:

Our Attendance Target is 96% for the academic year 23-24 and as a school we aim to support all families in achiving this. If you would like to discuss your child's attendance please contact Mrs McDonagh in the school office or email

Useful Links

Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK (

Attendance 4



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